What are peptides? And do I need them in my skincare?

You may have heard the word peptides used in relation to ‘miracle’ action beauty products, but what are peptides, and why do we want them in our skincare?

First of all, let me be clear - there are no ‘miracle’ skincare products, no matter what promises are made, no matter how many peptides they might promise you, your skin will continue to age as you age. If I could turn back time, I promise you, it wouldn’t just be my skin I’d whip two decades off.

However - peptides are pretty special in the world of skincare, and yes, you want them in the products you choose for plumping and hydrating skin. Here’s why…

Peptides are the amino acids that are the building blocks of certain proteins needed by the skin, like collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are the proteins that give skin its plumpness and springiness (not very scientific terms, but if your skin has lost its plump and spring, you will know exactly what I am talking about.) As we age, our body slows down the production of collagen and elastin, which is why our skin starts to look and feel more lax, why we get those fine lines around eyes and mouth, and why frowning at oneself in the mirror can be a very disturbing experience.

Peptides are actually small enough to penetrate the skin’s barrier, so peptides in skincare are therefore a good thing, as they help feed the skin what it needs to produce the collagen and elastin we want. 

Peptides can also help with the repair of damaged skin. By feeding your skin what it needs to produce collagen and elastin, you also support the natural healing process of the skin when it’s been damaged; either by accident or by design - with microneedling, for example.

So, next time you ask yourself if peptides really work in skincare, you will know the answer is yes.

Discover our skincare products that deliver the power of peptides: Cream Drench, Super Serum Eye, Cream Solar 20.


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