What is hyaluronic acid and how does it work?

You will have seen many an advert for skincare claiming it contains hyaluronic acid, but what is is hyaluronic acid, and why is it good for our skin?

The word ‘acid’ can often alarm - surely slapping an acid on your skin is not a great idea? But, if you’ve been keeping up with our blogs, you’ll know by now there are many naturally occurring acids that are great for our skin, and hyaluronic acid is most certainly one of them, In fact, your body naturally produces hyaluronic acid, but, as with so many things, this slows as we age. And as production slows, so our skin is left vulnerable to environmental aggressors and showing the signs of those encroaching years. 

To summarise, Hyaluronic acid is a smooth, slippery liquid our bodies produce and that scientists have found all around our bodies, and especially in our eyes, joints and skin. It has three key purposes: to keep things moving smoothly - it keeps joints lubricated and helps prevent bones grinding against one another; it keeps things hydrated - hyaluronic acid is incredible at retaining water, which is why it’s often used to treat dry eyes and is found in many, many skincare creams and serums; and it keeps skin flexible, slowing the fixing of fine lines and wrinkles (it helps your skin stretch, rather than fold and crease). It has also been shown to help reduce scarring (such as from acne) and help skin heal faster. 

With all of these wondrous talents, hyaluronic acid is therefore something you should include in your skincare routine every day, twice a day.

Is hyaluronic acid good for all skin types?

Yes, absolutely. It’s great both for those with oily or acne-prone skin, and perfect for those who struggle with dryer skin. 

How should you apply hyaluronic acid?

There are two ways to apply hyaluronic acid - in a daytime and a night time moisturiser, and via a serum. Personally, I use both - at night I use my Cream Repair, which has a great dose of skin-accessible hyaluronic acid, alongside other hero ingredients such as retinol, Vitamin E and peptides, and in the morning I apply my Power HA serum, which is a concentrated hyaluronic serum where this wonder acid is the hero ingredient. It absorbs straight into the skin, giving it a good ‘feed’ and setting you up for the day. 

How does hyaluronic acid work?

Essentially, hyaluronic acid is a water magnet, attracting it and hanging on to it so your skin looks and feels hydrated, healthy and plump. It also has the ability to regulate moisture in skin cells, so they don’t overfill and puff you up. Genius.

Recent research has also shown that a good supply of hyaluronic acid can help defend against free radicals, such as those triggered by exposure to UVA and UVB, and pollutants.


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